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Body Whispers - Download

An inspiring, beautiful and deeply powerful meditation.

Beautiful, emotional and hauntingly inspirational. A CD that will help you connect to the truth of your body, yourself and your life.

There is a time in our lives when we need to come home. We need to come back to the place that is safe, warm and welcoming. A place where we can be our best, most authentic selves. A place where we can reconnect, dream, make plans, rest, renew and feel love unconditionally. This place is your body.

“You will never look at your body in the same way again after hearing this CD.”

“I cannot help but love my body after listening to Body Whispers!”

“These are words to be loved by. Messages and forgotten truths I needed to hear!”

“It’s what every body needs to say and all of us need to know!”

Body Glow - Download

The Ultimate Mind Body Soul Soother

Melt into a deep, sensual and luxurious relaxation meditation to soothe your mind body heart and soul. Stretch out into the infinity of you and allow your body to surrender into the moment. Pure bliss.


“Just beautiful – I relaxed deeper than I have ever done before.”


“I could feel my body letting go of all of the stress and tension. Even my headache went. Thank you!”

Body Calming Meditation Download

A beautiful soothing meditation to release pain and stress. As you breathe gently into your body, you are guided to activate your own inner healing. Something rather wonderful happens as you connect into the deep wisdom of your body and allow yourself to communicate with the area that feels hurt, stressed or in pain. Ideal for anyone with chronic pain issues. The more you use this CD, the more you are able to tap into the body’s subtle messages and let go of physical, mental and emotional suffering.


“I have suffered with chronic pain for twenty years. This CD helped me to get closer to understanding the message my pain was giving me. In so doing, I have managed to reduce my pain levels from a 10+ to just under 3! Wonderful!”


“Thank you Astrid for a wonderful healing journey into my own body. Your CD has taught me how to be with the pain (rather than run from it) and actually connect with it. The results have been that I am able to relax around my pain, which diminishes it! What joy!”


“Healing, soothing, blissful and profound! A miracle CD for me.”

Listen to your heart meditation Download

Something beautiful happens when we listen to our heart. We fall more deeply in love with who we are, with life and with others. Allow the wisdom and love of your heart to flow through your entire body as you relax into pure bliss. Be guided and transformed by these beautiful loving heart mantras and tune into the wisdom of the core of your being – your beautiful heart!


“ Superb, reassuring, loving and peaceful – I loved it!”


“ I use this meditation every day, first thing in the morning. It helps me to start the day well and connect with my deepest desires. This is my space, my time and my moment. Beautiful!”   

Pump the Positive - DVD (by post only)


Welcome to “Pump the Positive!

A fabulous mind and body workout that not only exercises your body but your mind and emotions too!
The type of exercise you do is important, but what matters even more is How you exercise! This workout will show you how to link your physical and mental muscles to create that real Feel good factor!
No matter what size, shape or age you are – everyone can experience the absolute joy of living in a fit, happy and healthy body! A body that you love


The Ultimate Body Confidence Fitness Workout (DVD) 

Ireland €20.00 including P&P
Buy with PayPal
Europe €25.00 including P&P
Buy with PayPal

© Astrid Longhurst 2017

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