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Signature One to One Coaching Programmes

Astrid accepts new clients by application only.

If you would like to apply to work with Astrid please contact

Romance your Body
8 week coaching programme (Zoom/Skype)

Get ready to start living really well in this powerful & transformational course.

There will be weekly “body love actions” to do and a high level of participation is required.

  • Stop putting your life “on hold” and commit to YOU!

  • Break FREE from pain, shame and Body Doubt

  • Discover what you are truly hungry for

  • Learn how to create a new empowering body story

  • Move into body joy, vitality & freedom

  • Romance your body & fall in love with your life

Included in the course:

  • Personalized body confidence profile

  • Eight 90 minute weekly telephone/zoom or Skype coaching calls

  • Follow up emails and support

  • Handouts, worksheets and personalized tool kit

  • FREE copy of “Romancing Your Body

Contact Astrid to book this programme at

What are you really hungry for?

Find peace & freedom with food, Break free from unconscious/emotional eating

6 weeks one to one coaching programme (Zoom/Skype)

If you are ready to heal your relationship with food and step into BODY FREEDOM, JOY and INNER PEACE, then sign up for this transformational six week one to one coaching course!


  • End the struggle with food once and for all.

  • Restore health, vitality and a loving relationship with your body.

  • Learn how to eat mindfully, consciously and authentically.

  • Discover what you’re really hungry for.

  • Learn the difference between the five hungers and why they can change the way you eat.


Included in the course:


Six 90 minute weekly telephone/Zoom or Skype coaching calls

Follow up emails and support

Personal eating & food relationship profile

Handouts, worksheets and personalized tool kit

FREE copy of “Romancing your body”


Contact Astrid to book this programme at

Re-Write Your Life & Body Story
Transform your relationship with your Life & body & create a new, empowering Life & Body Story
6 weeks one to one coaching programme (Zoom/Skype)

Free your life and body from the past and create a new Life and Body story. A story of love, health and radiant wellness. A story that uplifts your Soul, Nourishes your body & frees your mind. A story where you get to craft how you desire to feel each and every day of your life.


  • Reshape your Life & Body Beliefs

  • Embody your authentic power

  • Release the things that weigh you down.

  • Let go of the past and move into an exciting new future

  • Use the law of alignment to feel your way into real & lasting change

  • Discover how a simple thought can transform your life & relationship with your body.


Six 90 minute weekly telephone/Zoom or Skype coaching calls

Follow up emails and support

Personal eating & food relationship profile

Handouts, worksheets and personalized tool kit

FREE copy of “Romancing your body”


Contact Astrid to book this programme at


The Body Confidence Breakthrough Session
Step into Body Freedom & live your best life
2.5 Hours Personal Coaching Session (Zoom/Skype)

My passion is to help you to achieve your dreams. Book in for a personal one to one coaching session (Zoom/Skype). It is quite extraordinary how much can change in a single session. You will receive a follow up email and personalized tool kit/worksheets from the session.


Contact Astrid to book this programme at

Body Love Healing Meditation

1.5 Hour Personal Meditation Session (Zoom/Skype)


Enjoy this powerful and beautiful body love meditation in the comfort of your own home. Be gently guided into a deep sacred space where you can allow your mind to rest, your body to soften and your emotions to heal.


Contact Astrid to book this programme at

Energy Medicine Mindful Movement Session

1.5 Hour Personal Mindful Movement Session (Zoom/Skype)


Move into health, vitality, well-being and body confidence with the revolutionary Chakranetics energy medicine programme. This empowering movement practice combines the energy pathways of the physical body, the mental body and the subtle energetic systems of the chakras and meridians. By using a beautiful blend of flowing mindful movements, the very practice of mindfulness is embodied.


Contact Astrid to book this programme at

Business Body Confidence
Access your corporate body intelligence for better decision making and performance

In business, your body, energy, vitality, awareness, wellness and joy of life are key factors in communication, productivity, connection and inspiring others to be excited to work with you.

How we feel and think about ourselves has a huge impact on how we work, connect and communicate. My Body Intelligence programmes are designed to suit your business, whether you employ 200,00 or 25. I devise bespoke Life & Body confidence initiatives that can be run as part of your employee benefits programme. Each programme I deliver is created to meet the needs of the business I work with, focussing on people, performance, purpose, passion and productivity.

Who it’s for?

Project Managers

Project Leaders

HR Directors/Personnel

Department Managers and staff

All employees


Body Confidence Benefits

  • Improved work performance

  • Staff become more self motivated

  • Improve staff loyalty and retention

  • Happier work environment

  • Increased self-esteem leading to high self-efficacy

  • Improved working relationships

  • Increased energy levels and job satisfaction

  • Increased ability to manage change in the workplace

  • More effective communication

  • Reduced absence due to sickness.

  • Increased self confidence

  • More clarity, focus and direction

To discuss your specific individual requirements please email Astrid at

© Astrid Longhurst 2017

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